Peluang Bisnis

Posted on 11:06 AM by Unknown and filed under
11001101 ---TULISAN MATRIX --- 10010011 ------- Script ini hanya jalan di Internet Explorer this script is only run in Internet Explorer ------- contoh buka: example : <html> <head> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000"> <STYLE type=text/css>#supertext { LEFT: 0px; VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px } </STYLE> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.2> //Configure the below three variables //1) Set message to display (HTML accepted) var thecontent='<h2><font face="Courier New" font size="5" color="#00FF00"> - Webmaster Resource</font></h2>' //2) Set delay after which message should be hidden, in miliseconds ('' makes it incessantly visible on the screen) var hidetimer=''; //3) Set speed of animation (1-50), where larger is faster var BallSpeed = 20; ///NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW THIS LINE/////////// var contentWidth; var contentHeight; var maxBallSpeed = 50; var xMax; var yMax; var xPos = 0; var yPos = 0; var xDir = 'right'; var yDir = 'down'; var superballRunning = true; var tempBallSpeed; var currentBallSrc; var newXDir; var newYDir; function initializeBall() { if (document.all) { xMax = document.body.clientWidth yMax = document.body.clientHeight document.all("supertext").style.visibility = "visible"; contentWidth=supertext.offsetWidth contentHeight=supertext.offsetHeight } else if (document.layers) { xMax = window.innerWidth; yMax = window.innerHeight; contentWidth=document.supertext.document.width contentHeight=document.supertext.document.height document.layers["supertext"].visibility = "show"; } setTimeout('moveBall()',400); if (hidetimer!='') setTimeout("hidetext()",hidetimer) } function moveBall() { if (superballRunning == true) { calculatePosition(); if (document.all) { document.all("supertext").style.left = xPos + document.body.scrollLeft; document.all("supertext") = yPos + document.body.scrollTop; } else if (document.layers) { document.layers["supertext"].left = xPos + pageXOffset; document.layers["supertext"].top = yPos + pageYOffset; } animatetext=setTimeout('moveBall()',20); } } function calculatePosition() { if (xDir == "right") { if (xPos > (xMax - contentWidth - BallSpeed)) { xDir = "left"; } } else if (xDir == "left") { if (xPos < (0 + BallSpeed)) { xDir = "right"; } } if (yDir == "down") { if (yPos > (yMax - contentHeight - BallSpeed)) { yDir = "up"; } } else if (yDir == "up") { if (yPos < (0 + BallSpeed)) { yDir = "down"; } } if (xDir == "right") { xPos = xPos + BallSpeed; } else if (xDir == "left") { xPos = xPos - BallSpeed; } else { xPos = xPos; } if (yDir == "down") { yPos = yPos + BallSpeed; } else if (yDir == "up") { yPos = yPos - BallSpeed; } else { yPos = yPos; } } function hidetext(){ if (document.all)"hidden" else if (document.layers) document.supertext.visibility="hide" clearTimeout(animatetext) } if (document.alldocument.layers){ document.write('<span id="supertext"><nobr>'+thecontent+'</nobr></span>') window.onload = initializeBall; window.onresize = new Function("window.location.reload()"); } </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> if (document.all){ Cols=22; Cl=18; //Peþpeþe geliþ mesafeleri! Cs=110; //Sayfaya enine yayýlýþ mesafeleri! Ts=12; //Rakamlarýn büyüklükleri! Tc='#00FF00';//Renk Tc1='#00FF00';//Renk1 MnS=22; //Akýþ hýzlarý! MxS=50; //Akýþ hýzlarý! I=Cs; Sp=new Array();S=new Array();Y=new Array(); C=new Array();M=new Array();B=new Array(); RC=new Array();E=new Array();Tcc=new Array(0,1,7,9,3,2); document.write("<div id='Container' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:-"+Cs+"'>"); document.write("<div style='position:relative'>"); for(i=0; i < Cols; i++){ S[i]=I+=Cs; document.write("<div id='A' style='position:absolute;top:0;font-family:Arial;font-size:" +Ts+"px;left:"+S[i]+";width:"+Ts+"px;height:0px;color:"+Tc+";visibility:hidden'></div>"); } document.write("</div></div>"); for(j=0; j < Cols; j++){ RC[j]=1+Math.round(Math.random()*Cl); Y[j]=0; Sp[j]=Math.round(MnS+Math.random()*MxS); for(i=0; i < RC[j]; i++){ B[i]=''; C[i]=Math.round(Math.random()*1)+' '; M[j]=B[0]+=C[i]; } } function Cycle(){; for (i=0; i < Cols; i++){ var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*Tcc.length); E[i] = '<font color='+Tc1+'>'+Tcc[r]+'</font>'; Y[i]+=Sp[i]; if (Y[i] > window.document.body.clientHeight){ for(i2=0; i2 < Cols; i2++){ RC[i2]=1+Math.round(Math.random()*Cl); for(i3=0; i3 < RC[i2]; i3++){ B[i3]=''; C[i3]=Math.round(Math.random()*1)+' '; C[Math.floor(Math.random()*i2)]=' '+' '; M[i]=B[0]+=C[i3]; Y[i]=-Ts*M[i].length/1.5; A[i].style.visibility='visible'; } Sp[i]=Math.round(MnS+Math.random()*MxS); } } A[i][i]; A[i].innerHTML=M[i]+' '+E[i]+' '; } setTimeout('Cycle()',20) } Cycle(); } </SCRIPT> </body> </html> Sumber dari situs php dengan judul Tulisan Matrix Source from site php title Matrix Font
Responses to ...
Anonymous said... February 26, 2008 at 1:50 AM

punya PCMAV terbaru gak jo.
2 klik

Anonymous said... February 26, 2008 at 5:14 PM

di download dulu, thanks, 3 klik

Anonymous said... February 26, 2008 at 5:16 PM

ndo, kirim2 dunk no hpnya

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